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About us!

Minerva officially emerged on the map of Islamabad in May 2011 with the mission to help people make the most of their lives by helping them be the best versions of themselves. With an extensive portfolio of creative workshops, personal branding programs and a growing talent pool, Minerva has so far helped thousands of individuals find their way to great careers, develop an engaging hobby, develop meaningful connections, or develop a personal brand that shines!


individuals hosted at our workshops, conferences and events


subscriber base of learners and leaders


young professionals readied for the job market


individuals and C level executives helped in building personal brands

From building your own personal brand to looking for the right people for your brand to building your dream career, we got you covered

Our commitments

Trust and transparency
Improved efficiency
Cultural fit
Quality talent pool
Low turnover

Here's what we do

Talent sourcing

No matter how difficult a vacancy is to fill, We are your best bet.

We help match the right people to the right role and culture. Hassle-free. Risk-free. Always.
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No matter how difficult a vacancy is to fill, We are your best bet.

We help match the right people to the right role and culture. Hassle-free. Risk-free. Always.

Career build up

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Bring women back to work​​

Inclusion and diversity are now on
the agenda for many organisations.
SheReturns, a 6-week
return-to-work program, we help
women find their way back to work
after a career break.

The program is designed to help
them find clarity, identify action
items, reclaim their space online
and in relevant networks and reskill
or upskill before connecting them
to employers.

National Digital Design

A joint initiative between Minerva
and CreateOriginal, the National
Digital Design Conference (ND2C)
brings together around 700
businesses, creatives and design
leaders from around the world
every year to explore how design
impacts business, learn to manage
creative teams, help organisations
adapt the design thinking
methodology, and find inspiration.

Address the talent deficit

Some vacancies are hard to fill because there aren’t enough qualified individuals. The only solution is to train them.

With the help of organisations, we
bring the best trainers from around
the world to prepare high quality,
technical professionals into the job

A message from the CEO

I have always been criticised for not being aggressive enough
with business. Compassion, to me, is a much better way to

Minerva has always been a business with a conscience.

At the heart of everything we do at Minerva, therefore, is the
unwavering resolve and commitment to help people and
businesses do and live better.

Sana Khalid

CEO, Minerva


What people say

— Taha Anis

“Minerva and their team are amazing when it comes to personal coaching and personal branding training. I have attended a couple of sessions and I believe they are great in helping you understand your life goals and help you achieve them with definitive plans.”

Our offices

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