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Aqsa Seth
May 31, 20215 min read
Get. Set. Organise
Having gone through university, you most likely already have a knack for juggling multiple things at the same time - assignment...
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Izzah Alvi
May 23, 20216 min read
Multitasking: Yay or Nay?
Ever wonder why we multitask and if it’s even helpful? Let’s think together. Before I proceed, I want you to pause and take a brief look...
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Sana Khalid
Feb 17, 20173 min read
5 most underutilised MS Word features
I have yet to come across a résumé that does not flaunt proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel. And yet, most people use MS Word like...
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Sana Khalid
Jan 24, 20177 min read
The seductive power of urgency
We keep hearing about how important it is to ‘ship it’ and rightly so. After all, it is this belief that something must be done [and...
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Sana Khalid
Jan 23, 20176 min read
Multitasking vs monotasking: a common workplace dilemma
Fragmented attention, a constant sense of urgency and repeated checks on a seemingly endless to-do list are commonplace at work these...
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Sana Khalid
Jan 15, 20175 min read
12 must-try online tools for content writers
Writing a new piece of content can be an arduous task, particularly if you are a beginner like myself. Giving words to thoughts and...
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Sana Khalid
Jan 3, 20176 min read
A perfectionist's guide to delegation
The stress caused by an ever growing to-do list, coupled with the fear of producing anything less than perfect often leads to...
550 views0 comments

Shanza Akmal: Pursuit of Financial Independence
“What good is it to have a belly if there’s no fire in it? Wake up, drink your passion, light a match and get to work.” ~ Simon Sinek...

Maheen Noor Awan: Unapologetically her
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation (job, relationship, city, degree) that made you unhappy? Most, if not all, of us know...

Maham Khan: Finding yourself
It’s not out of the ordinary to struggle to figure out what your passion is, what you want your career choice to be or what you want to...
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